But we will

The first thought that came to mind in response to the outcome of the Australian national elections on Threatened Species Day, 7 September 2013:

“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” – Ansel Adams

The sound of peace

Lying in my hammock this evening, enjoying a cup of tea, I heard two coucals calling. One of my favourite sounds in the world.
There are 30 species of coucals, but only one in Australia, the Pheasant Coucal or Swamp Pheasant Centropus phasianinus.

The morning after…

There is a very serious problem sweeping Australia. All over the country incidents of public drunkeness are on the rise, with some offenders staying drunk for days! These shocking drunks are literally off their trees and staggering all over the place from over-indulgence in alcohol. They’re a public disgrace. Go to any rural centre in northern Australia and you can see them huddled together under trees looking sick and depressed. Others lose all fear and become friendlier than normal, forcing people into awkward and uncomfortable encounters.

They don’t want to ingest a lot of alcohol, but they’re probably just being forced into the situation” says Dr Glen Chilton, of James Cook University, Townsville. [Read more…]

A building to lift your spirit

Being such a nature lover, it takes a lot for me to get excited by a building… but the Sydney Opera House is truly exceptional. A building that lifts your spirit.

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Jenolan Caves

Taken at the spectacular Jenolan Caves, part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, a few hours drive from Sydney, New South Wales, September 2011.

Spotted Catbird

Taken at Kingfisher Park, Julatten, January 2008

If you’re walking through the rainforest in North Queensland and hear a strange cat-like yowling, it’s probably a Spotted Catbird Ailuroedus melanotis. Very tricky to spot in the dense foliage of the rainforest, you might be lucky enough to catch one out in the open like this.

Peppermint Stick Insect

Taken January 2008 along the Dubuji Boardwalk, Cape Tribulation

It’s easy to walk past a Peppermint Stick Insect Megacrania batesii with even realising it’s there (“there” being only a couple of locations, several hundred kms apart, in Far North Queensland). Look carefully on the leaves screwpine Pandanus tectorius along the Dubuji Boardwalk at Cape Tribulation and you might be lucky enough to spot one enjoying a feed. When provoked, they squirt a sticky milky substance that smells like peppermint at whatever is threatening them. Hopefully it’s not your camera or your eye!

Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival

– Taken June 2011. View the full photostream on Flickr (190 photos).
The Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival is the largest celebration of Aboriginal culture in Australia, held every second year at the Laura danceground, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Communities from all over Cape York and the Torres Straits come together for three days and nights of dancing, music and story-telling.

Waterview Creek, Jourama Falls

Taken August 2006

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